What's most important to parents when it comes to free trials and committing to becoming a customer? It's hard to know what you should be focused on in order to optimize your conversion rates so we asked moms what influences their decisions.
Turns out there are two factors that reign supreme when it comes to trials - price and the curriculum or content of your class or event.
First, let's look at price. We know that parents are price sensitive. Raising little people is a costly adventure after all and they need to be responsible when it comes to making financial decisions about events and activities.
A family might attend a free trial class and fall in love with everything you're doing but if they didn't realize the monthly tuition is out of their budget, there's probably not much you can do to convert that sale.
Keeping your ideal customer in mind when designing your marketing and free trial offers can help in bringing in the right leads from the start.
The other main factor influencing moms' decisions is the content of the trial itself.
This makes sense, your unique classes, camps, or events are likely what piqued the interest of the family in the first place. If your free trial follows through and delivers the content they expect, then it's a no brainer for moms to commit to a longer-term relationship.
Other important factors?
The overall trial experience is a big piece of the conversion puzzle. It's important to make sure you're delivering, not just on the curriculum and content parents expect, but that you're sharing the love with families from the minute they walk in the door.
If a kid loved the free robotics class but mom felt ignored, or had a run-in with an unpleasant staff member, then it'll be much more difficult to get her on board with your business.
The location of your business, availability of a special offer, your staff, and your facility are also factors that moms take into consideration when deciding to become a customer.
There's not a lot you can easily do to make changes with your location or even your facility itself, but making sure your staff is well-trained and ready to give trial customers a great experience can go a long way.
And although moms didn't list special offers as being at the top of their influential factors, they can be a very valuable tool to close the deal with trial attendees.
One of the most important aspects of any good offer is a sense of urgency. Providing a family with a special discount after the free trial, especially one that expires in a few days or a week, will force them to make a decision and boost your conversions.
Carefully crafted offers that work with your cash flow needs can be a terrific tool to keep handy in your business.
There are a number of factors moms consider before committing to your business after a trial but if you're pricing is appropriate, you deliver what you promise, and make sure everyone who walks in your door is well taken care of, you'll be setting yourself up for great success.
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