It's November 1st - Start Planning for Small Business Saturday Now

Nov 01, 2022

Each year, on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, communities across the country highlight and celebrate their locally-owned businesses by celebrating Small Business Saturday.  They encourage everyone to support their local and independent businesses and in turn, the businesses serve up special and unique holiday promotions. 

Parents and other community members are actively looking for ways to support their local business owners and Small Business Saturday is the perfect opportunity to do that. In fact, our surveys have found that 90% of moms say that supporting their local businesses is important or very important to them. 

In addition, with looming recession concerns and inventory issues, parents are shopping early and looking for deals this year. 

All of this means that Small Business Saturday takes on greater importance for everyone in 2022. And if you haven't figured out how your business can get involved, now is the time to do it.

Even if you're not a business that offers products typically thought of as holiday gifts, you can still get creative and participate.  Experience gifts are a big deal these days as parents whittle down the clutter and toys. 

Offer gift cards to your facility, put together discounts on class or camp enrollments, sell admissions to unique online or offline events or activities – whatever it is that you do, come up with a way to package it so that parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends or anyone who's shopping for kids can understand the value and feel great about supporting you.

Local parents want your business to thrive in 2021 and beyond.  They can't wait until they can freely walk through your doors with their kids and dance, sing, create, play, learn, celebrate, and more.  But those parents are busy so make it easy on them.  Provide simple opportunities to finish their holiday lists and support you at the same time.

Here are some additional resources to help you plan Small Business Saturday this year: 

How to Make the Most of Small Business Saturday - Inc.Com

5 Tips to Make Your Small Business Saturday a Success in 2022 - MainStreet.Org

21 Simple Ideas for Small Business Saturday - Entrepreneur.Com (an oldie, but a goodie




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